Friday, March 13, 2009

A Few Things

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted. Ryan has been waiting for me to do a post so that he could do his shortly after, therefore I'm going to do one.

First off, I wanted to tell you guys about a few things I added to the blog. But before I do that, I wanted to say that I'm a HUGE fan of The Twilight Saga. I absolutely LOVE those books, and the first movie is out on DVD on March 21st. Therefore, I've added a countdown widget for the DVD release. Credit goes to .
Second, I also added a YouTube window, which let's you guys search up a video through the blog. It also makes things easier for me and Ryan.

I'll be doing a post on the movie Slumdog Millionaire very soon. Now that it is March Break, I have a lot of time for this!

Have a great week!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hey you guys,

Once again I have decided to do a post on something that interests me!

I have recently seen the movie, Changeling. I really enjoyed it, and I'm quite surprised that it didn't get many awards. It is based on a true story, too.

The story starts off with ChrisText Colortine Collins, a regular single mother in the late 1920's. She has a son named Walter Collins. One day, Christine must leave Walter home alone in order to finish an unexpected shift. When she returns home, she sees the house empty. She calls the LAPD, but they say that there is nothing to worry about and that her son will probably come back in a day, and if not, to call back. A day later, Walter is nowhere to be seen.

I don't want to spoil it for you, so instead you should see the movie yourself. :)

The movie stars Angelina Jolie; another interest of minText Colore. xD

Thanks for listening you guys, see you later!

Lauren Luke

Hey Everyone! For the past while I've been watching a channel on YouTube called "panacea81." The name of the person running that channel is Lauren Luke. She is from the UK, and she does make-up tutorials. She explains everything that she does slowly, so that the viewers can understand. She also mentions the products she uses. She also does makeup inspired by music videos, actresses, celebs, etc. She is in the process of her having own make up line. Here is a link to her site.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts 1

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Hey you guys!

When I was a child, I really liked video games (I still do a bit!). I also liked Disney, too. So why not combine the two? Thus, there is Kingdom Hearts!

Kingdom Hearts is a video game series with the help of 'Square Enix' (best known for video games such as Final Fantasy) and 'Disney' (Mickey Mouse, Donald, etc.).

The main character of this game is Sora, who was chosen to wield a 'keyblade', a weapon used to defeat the 'Heartless'. Sora is with Donald Duck and Goofy throughout the game to defeat evil. Donald, the court wizard, and Goofy, captain of the royal guard, were sent from Disney Castle to find the Keyblade and King Mickey. Sora's goal is to find Kairi and Riku, Sora's best friends which he got isolated from when he found the keyblade. Sora, Donald, and Goofy embark on a journey to different worlds (Atlantica, Neverland). The antagonist of this game is Ansem, a man who ventures in finding information about the Heartless.
The story does goes on, but I can't go on FOREVER! :) There is a trilogy to this, and the pictures on the top are the games in chronoligical order. Thanks!


Fashion Pics

Oscar De La Renta

Zac Posen
As promised...

A Thousand Splendid Suns.

I have been currently reading a book called A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. He has been the author of the hit book, The Kite Runner, which was a New York Times Bestseller.

The book starts off with Mariam, a small girl from a poor village in 50's based Afghanistan. She was born out of wedlock, with her father as one of the richest men. As life passes on, and her mother commiting suicide, she is forced into an arranged mairrage at 15. Later on, as she becomes much older, she meets a new girl, Laila. Laila is Rasheed's second wife. Rasheed is Mariam's husband.

Mariam and Laila have a bond that sisters cannot even have.

Hope you read this book!

- Ryan.

Spring Fashion Collection

Hey everyone! It's so great to finally get this blog up and running with Ryan. My first post is going to be on my favourite fashion collections of Spring 2009. The Oscar De La Renta collection, and the Zac Posen Collection were really good. I liked how the designs where wearable, and unique, and there was a great use of colour. A few of the designs were seen worn by celebrities during award season. I'll add a few images from the collection so you guys can see! Enjoy!


Introduction :)

Hello, and welcome to our blog! I hope you guys will frequently visit. The point of this blog is to show our visitors what is new and upcoming in... EVERYTHING! We vary from our from our likes and dislikes, electronics, fashion, etc.

Ryan's post = Green
Sabrina's post = Pink

Hope to see you soon! :)